A great horror movie will unsettle you by tapping into some of your deepest fears and insecurities. It will plunge you into the darkness with no path to escape, forcing you to confront your own personal version of the boogeyman.

Your Enneagram type will have an influence on what you find most terrifying. It won’t be the only influence (traumatic or frightening personal experiences play a prominent role in determining your fears). But your Enneagram-related traits will always be lurking in the background, shaping your view of the world and focusing your angst on potentially nightmarish outcomes (as you would define them).

Despite that element of fear, however, most people love spooky movies. The viewing experience offers them a safe outlet where they can confront the vengeful ghosts that haunt their imaginations without facing any actual danger.

If you’re one of those people who enjoys having your pants scared off every now and then, Halloween offers the perfect opportunity to indulge that side of your personality. The mood in the lead up to All Hallows’ Eve is just right for fright, and what follows is a list of spooky movies that someone from every Enneagram type may enjoy watching during the 2022 Halloween season. The chosen movies have storylines that will hit close to home for each type, touching on their deepest fears in ways that are likely to be most unsettling (yet still entertaining, and there lies the magic).

Without further ado, here is the list of best spooky movies for each Enneagram type:  

Enneagram Type 1: The Shining (1980)

In The Shining, the character of Jack Torrance, played with maniacal glee by Jack Nicholson, is a recovering alcoholic with writer’s block trying to redeem himself as a creator, father and husband, while simultaneously serving as sole winter caretaker of the demon-haunted Overlook Hotel. Overwhelmed by the responsibility, he becomes completely unhinged, channeling evil forces from inside and out and turning into the ultimate agent of chaos. His story is an extreme example of failure in the Enneagram 1 Perfectionist, his degeneration into madness totally upending the Type 1’s desire to “do the right thing” and “be a good person.”

Alternative Option: The Stepford Wives (1975)

This half-horrifying/half-satirical classic from the 1970s portrays perfectionism as a prison, a trap that can turn people into helpless automatons no longer able to control their own fates. The women in the film are subservient to their husbands’ ideas of perfection, but a true perfectionist could be just as subservient to their own unrealistic standards.

Enneagram Type 2: Misery (1990)

Want to see what it looks like when an Enneagram 2’s fear of rejection and being unloved becomes so exaggerated that it steals their sanity? Look no further than the homicidal nurse Annie Wilkes, from the movie Misery. Annie imprisons and tortures her favorite writer, Paul Sheldon, knowing that he will abandon her if she doesn’t. In her incredibly twisted and warped way, she did what she did out of love.

It's hard to imagine a worse nightmare for the Enneagram 2 Giver. Annie’s frustrated desire to help others and be appreciated was so severe that it drove her completely out of her mind.

Alternative Option: War of the Worlds (1953)

When the Martians arrived, humanity greeted them with open arms. But this giving attitude was met with a merciless and brutal response. Type 2 Givers are vulnerable to those who would take advantage of their generosity, and that fear is exemplified by the terrifying developments depicted in the harrowing War of the Worlds.

Enneagram Type 3: American Psycho (2000)

In American Psycho, Patrick Bateman is a high achiever who would seem to fit the profile of the ambitious Enneagram Type 3. But that is only on the surface. In reality he is a soulless psychopath who will literally do anything to succeed, no matter how monstrous. His behavior will chill Enneagram 3 Achievers, who in self-reflective moments worry about becoming so caught up in their attempts to gain recognition that they sacrifice their humanity in the process, to the bone.

Alternative Option: Christine (1983)

In this Stephen King adaptation, Arnie Becker is transformed from loser to winner after being possessed by the cunning spirit of a demonic car. His newfound success and popularity are not worth the price he has to pay, and his tragic story stands as a warning to Enneagram 3s who might consider sacrificing their principles if it means getting ahead.

Enneagram Type 4: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956 and 1978)

Enneagram 4s are all about being authentic and unique. They prize individuality above all else, and that is why they are repelled by conformity and resist being coerced to act and think like everyone else. Being taken over by an alien parasitic species that eliminates its victim’s personality before incorporating them into a hive mind would be a truly traumatizing development for a Four, and that is exactly what happens in both versions of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

In the world of these nefarious conformity-loving invaders, there would be no room for the Enneagram 4 Individualist. They would have to submit or die.

Alternative Option: Psycho (1960)

Norman Bates is as unique an individual as has ever been portrayed on the big screen. Unfortunately, his distinctive identity is that of a homicidal maniac with a deep hatred for all women. This is individuality run amok, and proof that doing your own thing won’t always lead to a happy ending.

Enneagram Type 5: The Conjuring (2013)

More than any other Enneagram category, Type 5s believe knowledge is power. But all the knowledge in the world wouldn’t be sufficient to protect them from demonic forces and malicious spirits of the type that sometimes haunt families and houses, as the investigators in The Conjuring movie series discover to their chagrin.

Enneagram 5 Investigators seeking to unlock the secrets of the strange and unusual could come face to face with horrifying and dangerous entities. If that doesn’t scare the wits out of the ever-curious Fives, nothing will.

Alternative Option: The Ring (2002)

It’s probably a bad idea to investigate a videotape that kills everyone who watches it. But that’s what Rachel Keller does, tempting fate in the style of a Type 5 Investigator bent on acquiring knowledge no matter the cost. Turn over the wrong rocks and something incredibly nasty could jump out to bite you, which is a disquieting reality for Enneagram 5s to contemplate.

Enneagram Type 6: Halloween (1978)

Michael Myers is as indestructible as any superhero. But unlike Superman or Captain Marvel, he is coming after you to kill you, not save you.

The Enneagram 6 Skeptic worries about worst-case scenarios and only feels safe when they’ve taken actions to avoid them. But Michael Myers is unavoidable, and indefatigable. He is the type of monster that will shake the security-conscious Enneagram 6 to their core, which is why this personality type could be deeply affected by this popular horror classic.  

Alternative Option: The Night of the Living Dead/Dawn of the Dead (1968 and 1978)

They’re zombies! And no matter what you do or where you try to hide, they will just keep coming and coming—and they will find you. The original Night of the Living Dead, and it's even scarier follow-up The Dawn of the Dead, will immerse the Type 6 Skeptic in an environment where it is impossible to feel safe.

Enneagram Type 7: A Quiet Place (2018)

From the perspective of the active and lively Enneagram 7s, it's hard to imagine a world more horrific than one where it was necessary to remain silent at all times. But this dreaded scenario is brought fully to life in A Quiet Place, where remaining absolutely quiet at all times is the only way to prevent being slaughtered by predatory aliens who can hear but not see. The exuberant Type 7 would struggle to stay in control in such an environment, which is why A Quiet Place will keep them on the edge of their seats from beginning to end.

Alternative Option: The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Three young filmmakers out for adventure attempt to uncover the truth behind the legend of the Blair Witch. They head off into the deep, dark woods like three Enneagram 7 Enthusiasts eager to find fun and excitement, but their quest for thrills quickly goes off the rails and gets them in way over their heads.

Enneagram Type 8: The Exorcist (1973)

Enneagram 8s are driven by a desire to be powerful and in charge. These Challengers are generous, however, and are always ready and willing to stand up for people who are the victims of injustice.

Conversely, Eights feel vulnerable and exposed when facing a situation where they aren’t in control. This makes The Exorcist an especially jarring and frightening movie for their type, as it pits the Devil himself against mere mortals with far more limited powers. Nothing assures survival from Satan’s onslaught in this film, outside of good luck, and that is not a position the typical Enneagram 8 Challenger would ever want to be in.

Alternative Option: Pet Sematary (1989)

The father of a little boy killed in a tragic accident tries to assert the ultimate form of control over life and death. His efforts backfire in the most terrifying manner imaginable, showing that those who are determined to be in control all the time may cross over into the darkness if they aren’t careful.

Enneagram Type 9: Carrie (1976)

Carrie White only wanted to fit in. She tried to be kind and get along with everyone, and all she ever got was mocked and horribly abused for her trouble. Her revenge against her tormentors was both righteous and appalling, and could be seen as a cautionary tale of the terrible things that can happen if you push an Enneagram 9 Peacemaker past their breaking point.

The movie Carrie is sure to send a shiver up the spine of any Type 9, who will be reminded of the times they were teased, ignored, or otherwise mistreated because of their peaceful natures. Carrie’s earthquake-inducing reaction will undoubtedly shock them, but deep down they might be cheering her on as she lets her supernatural powers loose in full force.

Alternative Option: Rosemary’s Baby (1968)

Rosemary Woodhouse always tried to be kind and agreeable, in the normal Type 9 fashion. As a result she refused to listen to her instincts that told her something was wrong and that she needed to leave her husband and his weird friends behind. In the end, her Type 9 characteristics doomed her to a life raising the spawn of Satan.

Nathan Falde
Nathan Falde has been working as a freelance writer for the past six years. His ghostwritten work and bylined articles have appeared in numerous online outlets, and in 2014-2015 he acted as co-creator for a series of eBooks on the personality types. An INFJ and a native of Wisconsin, Nathan currently lives in Bogota, Colombia with his wife Martha and their son Nicholas.