10 Signs of a Male Empath

Research shows that women experience empathy more often and more acutely than men in general. But that doesn’t mean men cannot be empaths—far from it. Being a full-fledged empath means you can literally walk a mile in another person’s emotional shoes. People of any gender can have this ability, but it can be harder to spot in men because of societal expectations and stereotypes surrounding masculinity.

However, there are some telltale traits that will reveal if a man has an empathic superpower. Here are 10 most common signs.

#1 They sometimes feel like they don’t fit in

While a male empath will have no trouble empathizing with someone, they often feel alone and misunderstood, fearing that their sensitivity will be seen by others as a sign of weakness (if it is seen at all). Another issue is that empaths can easily detect inauthenticity or hidden agendas, and they won’t want to be around people they know are not sincerely interested in what they have to say.

To some extent their self-isolating behavior is a paradox, because empaths long to create meaningful and mutually satisfying connections with others, for friendship, romance, or basic human camaraderie.

#2 They enjoy being in nature

When they’re around people for too long, empaths will feel bombarded with strong emotions that can wear them out and wear them down. Given their tendency to be overwhelmed by their own emotional reactions, it is hardly surprising to learn that the typical male empath will enjoy the time they get to spend in nature.

Male empaths feel renewed and replenished by the healing energies of the natural world. They are genuinely moved by its beauty and feel intimately connected with animals, rivers, mountains, beaches and all the other joyful gifts provided by Mother Nature.

#3 They frequently talk about their feelings, and ask about the feelings of others

Men’s conversations are generally action-oriented, as most men like to spend a lot of time talking about the things they’ve done and the places they’ve gone.

But the male empath has an entirely different focus. They prefer to discuss their feelings and the feelings of their companions when shooting the breeze. If a man asks you “how do you feel about that?” and doesn’t take responses like “fine” or “it was okay” as answers, then it could be a sign they have a well-developed empathic capacity.

#4 They need regular time alone

While empaths can be introverts or extraverts, they tend to want to be alone with their thoughts fairly often. Men who are empaths like to retreat to their own personal quiet spaces on a regular basis, daily if possible.

An empath will pay a steep emotional price for their empathic reactions. The effect of absorbing other people’s feelings and emotions is cumulative, and the empath can only take so much before they experience an irresistible urge to flee.

#5 They aren’t good at multitasking or coping with hectic environments

A male empath can quickly become desperate to the point of panic if they’re asked to perform multiple tasks at the same time, especially if they have to meet a deadline to get everything done. They can also be overwhelmed by environmental chaos, which is why they prefer working on one thing at a time in a peaceful setting.

A male empath will struggle to focus and manage their anxiety when they’re kept too busy, are frequently interrupted, or are exposed to crowded places or non-stop sensory stimuli. They may not grumble openly, but if you watch them closely you’ll notice the signs of agitation and nervousness.  

#6 They are drawn to social causes

Men with empathic ability aren’t the type to wait for someone else to take responsibility for injustice, so they will either volunteer with an advocacy group or cause that matters to them, or even start their own nonprofit if the right type of organization doesn’t already exist.

Whatever role he fills, the male empath will work tirelessly to bring constructive change to the world because he feels a deep sense of responsibility.

#7 They are human lie detectors

People who lie to a male empath do so at their own risk. Empaths are experts at reading body language and vocal tones and can easily spot when someone is being dishonest. They can also tell when people are trying to fake emotions like distress, contrition, sadness or earnestness, as liars often do when they’re trying to make their tall tales sound more believable. If you have a male empath in your life, be honest or prepare to be caught out.

#8 They have a hard time saying no

Male empaths feel a responsibility to help those in need and saying "no" leaves them feeling guilty. So, they often end up saying "yes" all the time, even if it means neglecting their own needs. 

It simply doesn’t feel natural to the male empath to put their own needs before those of their loved ones. The problem is, once they gain a reputation for always saying "yes," people will start asking for their assistance much more often. Learning to set boundaries is an important part of the male empath’s growth journey. 

#9 They are attentive and engaged listeners

Empaths are highly focused listeners who hear every word and also read between the lines to find the deeper meanings behind the words people choose. Male empaths are hungry for this kind of information, since it helps them identify other people’s true needs and priorities. 

An empath doesn’t listen attentively because it’s the most polite or considerate thing to do. They listen because they genuinely care about what others have to say, and they see intimate conversation as one of the best ways to forge mutually satisfying relationships.

#10 They dislike conflict and try to avoid it at all costs

Men who are empaths take insults, slights and criticism personally. Conflict hurts their souls, because they realize that no one who gets involved will emerge from the experience unscathed.

The empath knows that if they become mixed up in a conflict, whether it be theirs or someone else’s, they will hear things that cause them anguish and leave them feeling scorned or rejected. At the same time, they also fear they will lose their cool and say something hurtful to the other person. The thought of doing that makes their hearts hurt so it’s easier for them to simply walk away.

Appreciating the male empath in your life

In reality, the signs of empathy in men are no harder to spot than when they appear in women. What happens is that people don’t expect to see indications of empathic feelings in men, and so they may miss the signs even if they’re fairly obvious.

Now that you know what to look for, you should be able to tell whether a particular man in your life is a true empath. It’s likely that most if not all of the men you know will demonstrate some degree of empathy, but the ones who can truly be classified as empaths are treasures who deserve acknowledgement and appreciation for their remarkable qualities.

Nathan Falde
Nathan Falde has been working as a freelance writer for the past six years. His ghostwritten work and bylined articles have appeared in numerous online outlets, and in 2014-2015 he acted as co-creator for a series of eBooks on the personality types. An INFJ and a native of Wisconsin, Nathan currently lives in Bogota, Colombia with his wife Martha and their son Nicholas.