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Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
1,195 customer reviews


February 26, 2018 - 9:06pm
by Ajit Singh Kang
One of the most comprehensive reports out there. The best use of my money. I always wanted to figure out aspects of my personality, but was reluctant to trust online resources. But this has been really helpful. I would want to take the remaining tests!

All the best to the Truity Team!
February 22, 2018 - 4:36am
by Jurgen
I found the report very thorough and helpful in more fully understanding myself. I welcome and appreciate the meaningful suggestions regarding areas of my thinking to be aware of as I strive to better myself in all my interpersonal relationships. The test was easy to understand and therefore easy to accurately answer. Your full and detailed report is very useful to someone like myself that always seeks to improve in all areas of my life. THANK YOU
February 12, 2018 - 3:52pm
by Roald Kamman
I loved being able to take a look at myself in this perspective. I learned the lovely description of gleefull rebellion and it resonated with me. I also loved the part where it said that I don't like to wait for others. I stuggle with the social environment in my studies because everyone is procrastinating and being unmotivated as hell and i just hate them for it. I will give two shits if they dont like it but i often have to work with them and its just such a drag.... please kill me.... or them. as much as I like standing out it gets to a point where im being mocked for how good im doing. i can f*ing taste the jealousy in the air. like seriously they will tell me im weird because i don't drink alcohol..... ITS HEALTHY NOT WIERD. I mean i can't believe someone is actually that stupid. we are doing a sportscience education for f*s sake. we should be practitioning health and fitness..... How is it weird that im doing exactly what i need to be doing?! give me new classmates. Just wish there were more passionate people around me. All they seem to be passionate about is drinking beer and getting numb. I wish i could create more distance between me and them but they are my classmates and i have to deal with their stupidity daily. But yeah understanding why that is because of this test helps alot. Only wish there was more insight on the people and traits that i would work best with in other people. relationship and professional wise. also romantical. nah mostly romantical... (wink)
February 11, 2018 - 9:16am
by Rob
Very cool! always amazed at the clarity.
February 10, 2018 - 6:12am
by Rob
Fantastic insight! My depths articulated in a way I could never express.

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