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Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
1,201 customer reviews


December 2, 2018 - 4:01pm
by Baillie
I thought the Big 5 test was very informative.
December 2, 2018 - 7:37am
by Kirstie Maynard
Insightful, speedy and accurate results to assist you and others to understand your makeup:
December 1, 2018 - 7:24pm
by Latoya J.
As a new business owner, I often find myself worried why I do not like to stay focused on the tasks of making my business a reality. I work on it in pieces but know I need to get it done before I can help others and that's my main purpose is to serve. As I read through the different results, I was like "Wow, is this really how I am?" I felt like I was able to finally see myself as it relates to my relationships with others, how much I value relationships at work and how anxious I really am.
November 10, 2018 - 6:19pm
by McCol
As a psychology Undergraduate at UBC currently taking Personality Psychology, I was very interested to take this. Upon seeing how reflective the initial scoring was, I decided to invest in the full report and was by no means disappointed. It was like the person who wrote the narrative has been sitting on my shoulder my entire life. The accuracy is uncanny and really affirmed my love for psychology and the means by which the Five Factor Model was formed, as I can be a little tentative of quantitative methods when it comes to the humanities. In fact, I am currently writing a paper on the influence which my ADD has on my personality, and the report was incredibly reflective of the associated traits. I will certainly be referencing my results here in my paper. I recommend this report quite highly, even if you simply take the preliminary test.
November 10, 2018 - 2:50am
by A_B
Very interesting way of analysing the big five test. The circumplex are especially interesting, and though the results are not always pleasant, they are definitely useful and they trigger interesting thinking opportunities.
November 9, 2018 - 9:49pm
by Jeffery
I like the test results. It says a lot about myself, which I think is accurate. Since I already paid the money, I was hoping that they could explain about my result in more details-- such as looking specifically at the numbers of the score to understand the traits more in-depth. For instance, score 82% and 91% on Openness are considered "high", but what makes a person with 82% different from another person with 91%. I hope I could understand more in terms of combinations between five different traits. Maybe the circular graphs may have shown what I asked for. If they did, I wished they could have at least explain it more how they did it. Some of the information from the circular charts is a little vague, that there were moments I felt a little too general. Instead of saying that I am a generous person, they could touch on my degree of agreeableness (moderately-low/ very low...?) considered that the report brought up quite frequently-- and how the degrees can be different.

Honestly, I might just be a little picky, but overall satisfied so I give a 4.
November 9, 2018 - 8:41pm
by Tricia
Helpful in numerous ways, especially the circumplexes- very good visual. A lot of focus on career and workplace, wish there would have been an equal amount of focus on home and family relationships.

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