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Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
1,201 customer reviews


October 1, 2018 - 10:35pm
by TofuBacon
I previously made a review and gave the rating of the test 2 stars. The original test, I felt, was grossly exaggerated in certain aspects and did not suit me at all. A representative from Truity was very responsive and issued a credit for a re-evaluation. Needless to say, I am extremely pleased with my new results. It describes me to the absolute T. Thanks!!!
October 1, 2018 - 5:48pm
by TofuBacon
This test had some really accurate points about me and some that were very exaggerated and did not resonate with me at the very least. I had to rate this fairly low because the over exaggerated aspect was the overaching theme with my "personality".
September 6, 2018 - 9:48pm
by Nick (UK)
I did this Big 5full reporrt in July 18 and was amazed by the perceptiveness of it but also the insight it gave me about myself and helped to potentially solve some 'life skill' issues I have always felt to be missing or somehow missed by others for unexplained reasons. I have now gone back to the report and really understand how powerful an insight this for me.

I would recommend ths to anyone wanted to increase self awareness as a way to maximise their own inner contentment. You may have realised some of it, but to see it in black and white somehow makes it a very powerful for those that want to know.

I now have to decide what to do with it - not to change things but to recognise my inherent strengths, blindspots and things to review.
August 29, 2018 - 12:37am
by Roger
Working on a project and needed to take a few tests before asking others to take one. This was easy to do. While no test is ever 100% this one was more right than wrong. Good stuff.
August 21, 2018 - 12:59pm
by Brothers
Dont know the accuracy but seems close pricedto high
August 20, 2018 - 2:14pm
by Steven
With few exceptions, the paid version of this test spat back at me sentences and phrases about myself that were spot on. I was able to confirm things I had sort of figured out about myself. Additional insights were also gained. Overall, a helpful assessment that I would recommend.
August 20, 2018 - 5:15am
by Anthony Simonetti
The results were spot on but the analysis and the explanations in the full report were extremely meaningful, helpful, fulfilling and put very bright light on areas where I will be able to be a better person and find more ways to assist others.

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