ENFJs are giving, determined teachers who strive to make the world a better place, and their desire to better the population is anything but selfish. “The Teacher” types want others to reach their fullest potential and hold others to a high standard. Their overall desire is to see others (as well as themselves) become the best, most self-actualized version of themselves, and they champion humanitarian causes. 

What Enneagram type do most ENFJ personalities type as? Here’s a deep dive into the ENFJ Enneagram types that are the most common. 

A quick look at the ENFJ personality type

ENFJ is one of the 16 personalities developed by Myers and Briggs. If you’re an ENFJ, your traits are Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging, and your dominant function is Extraverted Feeling. This means that you’re energized by time with others and prefer to focus on ideas and concepts above facts and details. You base your decisions on your emotions over logic and are also a planner when organizing your life.

If you need a solid vision of what some exemplary ENFJs are like, think of these famous people for reference: Martin Luther King, Jr., Oprah Winfrey, and Maya Angelou

The typical ENFJ Enneagram type

Although not all ENFJs will share the same Enneagram type, most ENFJ personalities will relate the most to Enneagram Type 2.   

Enneagram Type 2, otherwise known as “The Giver,” is what you’d expect for a personality with that moniker. These generous types express their love to others through actions and gestures — including words of encouragement and heartfelt praise. Sounds like your kind primary school teacher, right? The ENFJ possesses many traits that a good mentor needs, like excellent leadership skills, a warm nature, and communication skills that make them good speakers and great listeners.

The core of the Enneagram 2

At the heart of every “Teacher” type is the fear of being unloved and alone. Because the Enneagram Type 2 wants to receive love and appreciation from others, they counteract their fear of unworthiness by offering a caring hand, love, and uplifting guidance. 

Type 2s want to receive this same heaping measure of affection, which propels them to behave as loving, uplifting human beings. At times, they’re content to feel needed by others through their tutelage or friendships — even if they still question whether they’re truly loved.

How the ENFJ Fe relates to Enneagram 2

What is the most prominent trait that makes most ENFJ Enneagram types a Type 2? The ENFJ’s dominant function is Extraverted Feeling (Fe), which basically means the ENFJ is open about their opinions and can see potential in others. They aren’t afraid to tell people what they should do to become better, more accomplished citizens. This emphasis on reaching a high potential, combined with their desire to give caring, loving attention to those around them, makes for the perfect ingredients for an inspiring, trustworthy “Teacher” type.

ENFJs have a knack for understanding people, so they also know how to influence them positively to help someone reach their goals and do their utmost. Their empathy also makes them wonderful best friend material.

The high-achiever: ENFJ Enneagram Type 3

Many ENFJs feel a strong need to achieve their goals and make a difference in the world. This innate drive makes sense — especially when an ENFJ is an Enneagram Type 3. Although most ENFJs are Type 2s, Type 3s are also a common Enneatype for “The Teacher.”

An Enneagram Type 3 shares similar fears and desires to the Enneagram Type 2: they both feel unworthy without validation from others. While Type 2 is afraid they'll be unloved, Type 3 fears failure — the worst thing for them is to be insignificant. Because of this fear, an ENFJ Enneagram 3 will seek accomplishments and success to feel valued and admired. 

The agreeable harmony-seeker: ENFJ Enneagram Type 9

Another common Enneatype for the ENFJ is Type 9, “The Peacemaker.” ENFJ 9s have an intense fear of being needy, and the idea of pushing people away due to their neediness is unbearable. Because of this fear, Type 9s will do whatever they can to be agreeable to others, often forgoing their own needs and desires to please the crowd. As optimistic people who want to help others be happy and fulfill their potential, some ENFJs can be model Type 9s with conflict-avoidant techniques that are on point. 

ENFJ Type 9s vary from one who’s a Type 2 or 3. While 2s are motivated by their need for love, and 3s want to be significant, a 9’s motivation comes from their love of peace and harmony. Type 9s hate conflict, drama, and social unpleasantries, and they’ll do anything to avoid negative feelings and emotions. 

The rarer ENFJ Enneagram types

Most ENFJs won’t be Enneatypes that are opposite to their personality traits. The three rarest Enneagram types for ENFJs include Type 4, Type 7, and Type 6.

Why? The Enneagram Type 4 is too introverted to be an ENFJ, and they prefer to focus on their identity rather than giving and receiving love. As for an ENFJ being a Type 7, it’s almost (but not totally!) impossible. ENFJs are Feeling types and aren’t afraid to recognize their good and bad emotions, while Enneatype 7s run from negative emotions at full speed. Similarly, an ENFJ Type 6 is also rare. Type 6 prefers to stay loyal and protect those they love against potential threats, but their main focus is safety and security over love and nurturing.

Summing it up

ENFJs are often Enneagram 2s, 3s, or 9s. The caring, outgoing ENFJ has a lot of heart for others and prefers to use their love for the greater good — whether they pour affection on those close to them or maintain the peace in their inner circle. However, that isn’t to say an ENFJ can’t be any of the other Enneagram types. There are always exceptions to the rules.

Cianna Garrison
Cianna Garrison holds a B.A. in English from Arizona State University and works as a freelance writer. She fell in love with psychology and personality type theory back in 2011. Since then, she has enjoyed continually learning about the 16 personality types. As an INFJ, she lives for the creative arts, and even when she isn’t working, she’s probably still writing.