Your unique personality type is suited to particular kinds of roles in the workplace. INFJs – people with preferences for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Judging – seek work where they can turn their ideas into reality, creating constructive change for people. 

It can be hard to figure out what kinds of jobs balance the INFJs need to make a difference in people’s lives with their desire for sufficient quiet processing time. But that isn’t all an INFJ needs in a job. So, let’s take a look at what they do need and some of the careers that meet those requirements. (For more, watch our video on top careers for INFJs on Youtube.)

What should an INFJ look for in a job?

INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. They are dedicated, helpful and principled workers who can be relied on to envision, plan and carry out complex projects for humanitarian causes. 

When looking for a career that fits your INFJ personality, consider roles where you can:

  • Inspire positive change 
  • Foster cooperation
  • Understand others
  • Find meaning in work and relationships

When you think about your previous jobs or volunteer positions, how have they met these requirements? How have they missed the mark?

What satisfies INFJs at work?

To feel satisfied in their work, INFJs need to fulfill at least three of the following factors. 

To do work that:

  1. Is in harmony with their personal values and supports their integrity
  2. Gives them time to formulate and process their ideas
  3. Lets them create new approaches that benefit others
  4. Happens in a friendly and tension free environment
  5. Lets them exercise significant control over their time and activities

Let’s do a quick check-in:

  • What does each factor look like to you in real life?
  • Which of these does your current job satisfy?
  • Which are not being satisfied and how might you change that?

What are the top careers for an INFJ?

All jobs help others in some way. As INFJs explore their career interests, it is essential for them to figure out what their personal version of that is. For some, that means working one-on-one with people; for others, it's more indirect, benefiting people through shared research or storytelling. As you look over the options below, consider how each fulfills the requirements listed above and what each means to you. Take those themes into your job search. 

In arts and design, that includes:

  • Librarian
  • Curator
  • Technical writer
  • Writer
  • Graphic designer 

In healthcare, that includes:

  • Physician
  • Pathologist 
  • Surgeon
  • Nutritionist 

In science, that includes:

  • Genealogist 
  • Food scientist
  • Environmental Scientist 

In business, that includes:

  • HR manager
  • Organizational psychologist
  • Market researcher

To see more top careers for INFJs, take a look at our detailed list here. In summary, you are looking for jobs that support your values, provide thinking time to work on new ideas in a friendly atmosphere, and allow control over how you spend your time. 

What careers should an INFJ avoid?

While any personality type can be successful in any career, some occupations require INFJs to operate outside their natural preferences, which can be draining. 

Careers like a paramedic, surveyor, financial manager and real estate broker are not generally well-suited to the INFJ.

Next steps

Whether you are just starting on your career journey or thinking about a career change, it’s worth thinking about how to ensure your career needs are met. If you're still unsure, taking a career assessment can also help you determine your best fit. 

To learn more visit our INFJ personality overview or take our free test here.

Samantha Mackay

Samantha Mackay is a certified Enneagram and leadership development coach who believes work should be energizing, not draining. She combines the Enneagram with her experience of recovering from burnout twice to help leaders and teams thrive during stressful times. Connect with Samantha at