The Teacher
The ENFJ personality type is Extraverted, iNtuitive, Feeling, and Judging, which means ENFJs are energized by time with others, focused on how they can help others grow, led by their deep empathy and altruism, and natural team builders. Expressive, social, and supportive, ENFJs are genuinely excited about life and eager to help leave the world in better shape than they found it. They see the best in people and thrive as teachers and mentors. However, in their desire to build and maintain their relationships, they can struggle with overcommitment, making impersonal, data-based decisions, and speaking up about their own needs.

ENFJ Strengths

Peacekeeping. ENFJs not only work to promote harmony and morale while deflecting potential conflicts, they are also deft in persuading and motivating others to get moving in the same direction. They see positive relationships as the sure path to fulfillment and are highly cooperative, promoting cohesion and even friendship within the workplace and beyond. 

Communication. One of the many keys to an ENFJ’s success is the ability to communicate proficiently across diverse media. They have a talent for making words out of ideas whether it is in the classroom or in a love letter. ENFJs love writing, talking and telling stories, and their audiences are often equally as enthusiastic to receive what they have to say. As comfortable in large crowds as small groups, they like to be the center of attention and thrive on the energy of good conversation, especially with people who are as passionate as they are. 

Persuasiveness. ENFJs are known for their powers of persuasion and are generally effective in getting people to do what they want them to do. But ENFJs are charitable; the motive is not often manipulation or personal gain, they simply want people to do more or better because it will benefit them or help them realize some potential. These personalities are likeable and trustworthy and, as a result, others are generally compelled to listen to and follow them. 

Leadership. ENFJs have a solid social circle and are likely to be the ones planning events and finding opportunities to get people together. Their leadership skills ensure that others quickly jump on board and are excited about it. Teaching and mentoring come as easily to them as breathing and talking, making ENFJs particularly skilled in endeavors that allow them to lead, train or educate. Their idealism helps them to very clearly and accurately see the potential in other people and entities, and their Judging element helps them to map out the path to get there.

ENFJ Weaknesses

Leap before looking. Passionate and headstrong, ENFJs tend to dive in head first without fully examining or investigating the endeavor in front of them, or fully considering what it will entail. Their Intuitive nature gets the best of them and they are quite sure they have it all figured out; they may not concern themselves with the necessary and important details. 

Overcommitment. Though they thrive on being a little overwhelmed, ENFJs can easily become over-committed because they are genuinely excited about life and all of the opportunities they see before them—they want to say “yes” as much as they can and they want to do it all. As a result, they may later have to pull out of commitments they might have examined more carefully before jumping in, and often end up starting and stopping many things without finishing. 

Struggle to make tough decisions. When making decisions, ENFJs can struggle with information that seems to lack a human element. Hard logic, impersonal reasoning and data-based conclusions can be difficult and even undesirable. While ENFJs may be viewed as compassionate, they may also be seen as unfair since they are likely to prioritize the needs of the individual above the whole, and to look more readily to the exceptions than the rules. 

Too selfless. Because ENFJs prioritize people and the needs of others, they may not be properly in touch with their own needs and can struggle, at times, to express them if they fear that doing so may create conflict or disunity. If they have not developed a strong sense of self they may fail to be authentic in their relationships. As ENFJs already tend toward loneliness, the sense that no one truly knows them can foment the sense of being alone and misunderstood. 

ENFJ Growth and Development

In order to reach their full potential, ENFJs should:

Focus on the details. Though the ENFJ reads best between the lines, there are times when the nit-picky details really do matter and, in the end, the boring, impersonal contracts just need to be read. This will be a forced response, but a necessary one. In committing to various projects, endeavors or events, the ENFJ will benefit from a simple “let me think about it” and then actually taking the time to consider the details, objectives and time commitment before responding. 

Stick to it. ENFJs love starting projects and new endeavors, but sometimes bite off more than they can chew. Rather than looking at the project as a whole and becoming overwhelmed, breaking the work into small pieces and viewing each chunk as a distinct goal can help the ENFJ maintain enthusiasm and drive. 

Get comfortable with conflict. Disunity, divisiveness and conflict are not the end of the world and not something always to be avoided. ENFJs do crave amicable rather than adversarial relationships, but growth often happens in the space of tension. When the ENFJ allows himself to intentionally confront and deal with conflict, good things—even deepened relationships—may result.  

Live in the now. ENFJs are, by nature, future-oriented and while this helps them to visualize potential, it can keep them from dealing with life in the here and now—the possibilities are so much more exciting than the present reality! While ENFJs will continue to look to the best the future has to offer, they need to put their scheduling and planning skills into practice to get going on the tasks of today so that they may achieve their future goals. 

Mind their bottom line. While ENFJs do derive personal satisfaction from being helpful to others, they must be serious about their own talents and the income that should come as a result. It is possible to help people, make a contribution to the world and make a living wage. The ENFJ may also need to work on becoming more task oriented and concerned with productivity. It is easy to get caught up in the relational aspects of a project or job and fail to meet the objectives and expectations. The ENFJ will have to work to keep interpersonal relations and productivity in balance.