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You won't be able to view results that belong to another person on the site. If someone wants to share their results with you, the best way to do so is for them to take a screenshot and send it to you, or copy and paste the text they want to share. 

Or, you can take the test yourself and see your own results!

If you're trying to access your own results

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If you have not registered for an account on this site, your results will be kept private using a cookie. That means that you can only view results from the same computer where you took the test, and only until the cookie expires (from 1-7 days, depending on your browser settings). If you have not registered and you took the test more than 7 days ago, you will need to retake it to see results again (we recommend registering first so you don't lose your results this time!). 

If you just took the test and are getting this error, most likely, you have cookies disabled on your browser. Because we use cookies to track privacy for unregistered users, if you are not registered and do not allow cookies from the site, the site will not be able to identify you as the "owner" of the results and will not display them. Please either register or enable cookies and take the test again.

If none of the above applies to you

If you've read through the above and you're still not sure why you're seeing this page, please email us at for assistance.


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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
5,264 customer reviews


April 4, 2024 - 12:16pm
by Daniela
The Test was very simple and easy to take ! the questions were not too many . I appreciate the results have some graphics which made easier to interpret the results

April 4, 2024 - 8:41am
by PA
Great - very interesting.
April 2, 2024 - 5:34pm
by Brittany Williams
This helped me establish a basis and provided clarity on things I was curious about.
April 2, 2024 - 8:52am
by Katie
I found the Typefinder Personality Test EXTREMELY helpful for me during a time of rebuilding myself after having experienced so much trauma in my life! I found out VERY interesting things about myself! I'm so VERY EXCITED to use this information as part of my journey! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of my results and how I can grow and develop my gifts, talents, and positive traits. Looking at the negative aspects of my personality type will help me to stay true to all of my needs, what I'm truly wanting for my life, how to monitor my progress, and how to eliminate bad habits and how I view myself, people that surround me, and how I view the world. Me getting down to the roots of who I really am is helping me become the BEST version of myself!
April 1, 2024 - 10:45pm
by Avionne
It was so spot on it was scary! Even though I got the MBTI that I got before (ENFP), I appreciated the comprehensive deep dive on the individual facets of each of the categories as well as the percentages scored within each section. Furthermore, the PDF report was also worth it as it revealed things to me that I never knew before about myself! 10/10 recommend :)
April 1, 2024 - 2:24pm
by Chris Jackson
Very please with the experience and process.
April 1, 2024 - 6:41am
by Rick
Seeking to improve my understanding of the "how and why" of who I am, I've enjoyed the results of the tests from Truity. The results offer plenty of insight and even more to think about. The full reports also include some very thoughtful ideas about how I might alter my interactions with others and the world as I perceive it.

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