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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
5,264 customer reviews


April 11, 2024 - 12:38pm
by Nadia
My type was described very closely to my perception. I've done this test before, and 20 years ago, one letter was different but close to the middle. It's interesting to see how I migrated from S to N during this period of time. This confirms the fact that I began to rely much more on my intuition.
April 10, 2024 - 11:10pm
by N Marks
I found this assessment fascinating because it identified traits of which I was subconsciously aware and traits I already recognize as my strengths. I would like to explore more about the other personalities and temperaments with which I share more in common. Those which I have less in common, I would have like to know how to engage more with them and interact more effectively.
My employer suggested this evaluation to more effectively engage us in the areas of need based on our strengths.
April 10, 2024 - 9:12am
by Danielle B.
I enjoyed the report insights. Aligns with who I know myself to be, and brought deeper knowledge on how I can leverage my strengths with opposing personality types. Thanks.
April 10, 2024 - 12:20am
by Fred Nath
Although very valid (and validated) the personality inventory shows your own view of yourself so I would have thought that predicting behavior (such as functioning in the workplace) may be skewed in favor of the subject's own view rather than the reality. Also I am 73 years old and therefore have very different goals and aims compared to 20 years ago and I think this makes a difference to how I answer the questions. Without IQ and knowledge of the person's education level I question how one can draw significant conclusions about what career is appropriate.
April 9, 2024 - 12:24pm
by Ebony
It was pretty precise. Gave me a better understanding of my personality.
April 9, 2024 - 6:36am
by Anna Zastapilo
It was very nice
April 9, 2024 - 5:25am
by Ivy Leslie Tahimic
This paints such an accurate picture of myself! Somehow, I have a deep awareness of myself, as I consider myself to be highly intra-personally oriented. However, it is enlightening to discover that who I am could be most accurately described by a personality assessment backed by scientific study. Therefore, it provides me with a reliable tool to better understand and appreciate myself and what I am capable of achieving further in life.

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