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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
10,630 customer reviews


January 8, 2020 - 1:30pm
by Emma
Wow! It was so accurate and I now know what I need to work on to help me evolve rather than stay stagnant. I have been looking for an ennegram test to find out who I am. This is the first one I have found that is consise especially when combined with the personality test, both match up and give me an excellent insight into who I am. Highly recommended.
January 8, 2020 - 9:40am
by Jeff Nicklaus
This was very helpful and provided me with some great feedback
January 7, 2020 - 9:20pm
by Abdul
I believe the Enneagram trst is useful and has so many details about personality! I do knew things about myself, but I got to know new things about myself with more clearity.
January 7, 2020 - 3:51pm
by Karen
I like the type, wings and arrows thing, the purchase tells you your type, but also ranks percentages on your other parts so you can see how along the process you are at and get a little direction on harnessing and overcoming your weakpoints. It ends with what makes you unique, gives you your top three qualities, but also top three foibles. If we know this information we may be able to see what we are doing as we are doing it and get to act rather than react, like am I pessimistic, is that what is holding me back from taking that trip to Costa Rica? Anyway I scored a 20 out of 20 on Analysis, and am pigeon holed as a person who sees themselves as a work in progress, and a life-long learner, in other words new data points with some science behind it, and putting into words things that are sometimes nebulous or hard to pin down is just catnip for me. Mileage may vary, but at first it was $29, when I came back it was $19, and the ONLINE10 coupon still worked, so feel free to mull things over and come back before buying. At the cost of a footlong subway sub I am very pleased.
January 7, 2020 - 2:56pm
by Dan Turnbull
January 7, 2020 - 11:52am
by Ron Brown
I was amazed at just how accurate the Enneagram was. I also found the "Transformations" included with the evaluation were something unique and also useful. I plan to post my "Wings" and "Arrows" on the note board in my personal office as a useful guide as I enter into the day. Thank you.
January 6, 2020 - 6:09pm
by Marcos
The results were spot on, my core Enneagram was not a surprise. What was particularly helpful were the wings and arrows and how I had already developed them and how I can use them to enhance the progress that I have already made.

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