
Looking for the best Enneagram test? Truity's Enneagram personality test is the highest rated Enneagram test available online, with an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Truity's Enneagram test meets the highest standards for accuracy, with over 10,000,000 users contributing to our dataset and an extensive history of research into reliability and validity. You can read more in our Enneagram Technical Documentation.

Read what our customers had to say about their experience!


November 4, 2022 - 4:07am
by Mona
It really opened my eyes as I am very into astrology as well the combination of this with energies really truly blew my mind. I'm going to truly use this as a benchmark to understand myself better
November 4, 2022 - 12:41am
by Carol mortensen
This analysis seems quite accurate from my experiences.
November 3, 2022 - 10:56pm
by Rebecca R.
An acquaintance invited me to participate in a workshop to learn about the Enneagram. Always on the lookout to know myself better I jumped at the chance. I took Truity's Enneagram quiz so I could get the most out of the workshop. The report was well worth the time and investment. Much of the information was confirmed but gave me deep insight into how I can best use my "wings" and "arrows" to be the best person I can be.
November 3, 2022 - 10:17pm
by Robert Zierman
I’ve taken no less than 10 different personality/assessment tests some of which have hundreds of dollars and they all provide valuable objective information. In contrast, this test provides the best subjective self-analysis and for that reason, I think it provides the greatest value for money spent.
November 3, 2022 - 8:52pm
by Jose Bourget
I enjoyed how the test was given. The questions were phrased understandably and intuitively. The test results were extremely help and insightful. Showing you your relative "scores" for each type or how it compares to the other related areas.
November 3, 2022 - 8:25pm
by Tinkerbell
To have been seen like that, was pretty crazy. The accuracy was amazing, even if it was a hard pill to swallow. I have done a lot of healing and growth work already. And can see what I have worked through and how far I have come, excited to move through the rest and step into living my best life.
November 3, 2022 - 3:26pm
by Kama Small
Much more in-depth than any other personality test I have taken
November 3, 2022 - 2:50pm
by Elsabe C.
I found the report extremely useful! I've done the Big Five personality test as well, but the Enneagram test goes a bit more in detail about why I act as I do, and what I need to do to thrive. For people that want to further develop and balance out their personalities, this report is an excellent way to do that. I completely agree with 80% of my personality report - not saying that 20% is wrong, just that I need to ponder on that 20% a bit more ;)
November 3, 2022 - 1:59pm
by Alyssa
I was initially hesitant buying the full report thinking, “I’m the person I know best in my world”, and while that’s of course true, it was super insightful to have my traits and behaviors broken down and to still go so in depth that I started to get spooked! I absolutely want to recommend this to everyone in my life and I would encourage literally anyone else to do so that may also feel like they could be doing something in their life but don’t know what that something may be from stopping you.
November 3, 2022 - 1:46pm
by Anthony
Very helpful!

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