
Looking for the best Enneagram test? Truity's Enneagram personality test is the highest rated Enneagram test available online, with an average customer rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars. Truity's Enneagram test meets the highest standards for accuracy, with over 10,000,000 users contributing to our dataset and an extensive history of research into reliability and validity. You can read more in our Enneagram Technical Documentation.

Read what our customers had to say about their experience!


May 16, 2020 - 7:38am
by fiona
Great insights! explained lots about what I have been wondering about in my own self-awareness journey.
May 13, 2020 - 1:15pm
by Carol Madden
Amazing! I am 74 years old and appreciated the insight this report gave me. You're never too old to change!
I will be making some changes to the way I think and act!
Thank you Ennegram
May 13, 2020 - 11:06am
by Diane Moyer
Fascinating, not entirely surprising, but very compelling.
May 10, 2020 - 7:13am
by Phil Grieve
I've spent a lot of time working with the Myers Briggs and have found that very useful over the past four - five years or so. Completing the Ennegram test was akin to my Myers Briggs result when I heard it first. It was like someone knew me better than I knew myself!

I have trained in Clinical Leadership and used additional personality typing systems for work. All of which I have enjoyed and have brought insight and clarity to me at different levels and times.

I first heard of the Ennegram six or seven years ago and been aware of it. The group that re-introduced me to Myers Briggs also focused on Ennegram but I was concerned the Enengram would take up too much of my time so at that point of life so I left progressing with it until now.

My wife found Myers Briggs somewhat difficult to use and a bit impenetrable but very recently used the Ennegram test from your site and found it very revealing. I was very impressed with what she reported back to me so I decided to take this test too. I'm so impressed of its accuracy and likewise have really benefited from it.

This test will be the first step into me diving deep into the Ennegram for the benefit of everyone!

I'm sure it will have profound effects on my marriage, home life, parenting, work life and goals going forward.

Thanks you so much!

At last I can relax and dis-entangle myself from unhelpful patterns and habits!

Thanks very much.
May 9, 2020 - 1:40pm
by Helena Paz
I found this Enneagram Test to be very insightful. At first I felt more curious than anything about what it had to say; however, the more I read and the more I thought about it the more I related to it and saw how it really matched my whole personality and lifestyle. I'm glad I purchased the full version because it delved deeper into the more complex attributes that I have. The wings and arrows and the 3 most prominent characteristics I have were on point and definitely described perfectly what I need to watch out for. This helped me to understand and fully put into perspective and perfect words on how I feel and deal with life on a daily basis. Most helpful!
May 9, 2020 - 5:22am
by Mahdi Sarhan
This test gave me many inputs to work on! Thank you!
May 6, 2020 - 1:55pm
by Steve B
I took the test after hearing about it in a meeting. I have to say that is extremely accurate in laying out "me", when coupled with my my own history and training it paints an accurate picture of me. Very useful.
May 5, 2020 - 5:13pm
by Jack Warner

Thanks so much for the opportunity to take the test. It was truly enlightening and profound. It's taught me that so much of my thinking, behaviour and emotions are based on my personality - rather than some kind of ephemeral sense of 'Self' - which has lead to deeper levels of self-understanding and insight with a clear road map to move forward with in my journey.

My only suggestion would be to clarify the 'wings' and 'arrows' section, mainly the 'arrows'. I had to re-read it several times as the way it was written was confusing. For example, it referred to a 'diagram' but I was expecting to find a diagram with some kind of arrows but didn't see it anywhere. Surely there should be a visual representation of wings and arrows explaining what they are, rather than a detached set of bar graphs? That was frustrating and actually took a simple clever concept and made it quite hard to figure out. The beauty of this test is in its simplicity and I would have loved to have been able to get a clearer idea of my 'wings' and 'arrows' in visual form.

Other than that, it was incredible and, if taken with the right approach, can be truly profound and life-changing for someone with a curious mind and an appetite for self-knowledge and growth.


May 5, 2020 - 1:21pm
by Ariel
Wow. I definitely feel as if this covered the inner workings of my brain. A lot of what I read in my report is spot on and maybe a little hard to embrace, too... but this tool will definitely be handy in my personal development.
May 5, 2020 - 6:17am
by Julia Hepworth
This report was extremely accurate and will give me some structure for self-development.
Thank you!

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