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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
5,299 customer reviews


May 25, 2018 - 5:21pm
by kelly
This is an interesting exercise. I recommend it to anyone who wants to get to know themselves more.
May 21, 2018 - 12:24pm
by PC
The result was very accurate. I always wondered if my personality type would change over time as some of my friends said it did to them. But, the few times I took the test (3 over a period of 5 years), my result came out the same. It's very right on target. I'm happy with it.
The only thing I'd like to suggest is to cut some questions that are basically the same but worded differently. This might keep the test takers from getting bored and feel they're answering repetitive questions. For example, the test mentioned a few times about one asking for a big picture of why things are the way they are or asking why one is the way they are, etc...
Overall, I'm very satisfied, that's why I decided to purchase the complete profiler because I was curious of what would be written in it.
May 17, 2018 - 7:21pm
by Quinnell Batair
This truly a chunk full of knowledge. I’m still looking over this, because it’s truly fascinating. In conclusion.m, I enjoy this.
May 17, 2018 - 9:29am
by Eleanna
There are many personality tests out there but this is of exceptional quality and very accurate. Moreover, it is is easy to understand and follow. I highly recommend it.
May 17, 2018 - 2:26am
by Stefan Rusli
Nicely design, make answering easier, conpared to other platform in the market today.
May 14, 2018 - 1:51pm
by Ela
Very interesting psychological test to determine personality type. Highly recommend.
May 11, 2018 - 5:41am
by Ariadne star
I thoroughly enjoyed this tool. I would highly recommend buying the full report. As an INFP it described me well and gave me insights I had not identified previously.

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