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You won't be able to view results that belong to another person on the site. If someone wants to share their results with you, the best way to do so is for them to take a screenshot and send it to you, or copy and paste the text they want to share. 

Or, you can take the test yourself and see your own results!

If you're trying to access your own results

If you have registered for an account on the site, you must be logged in to see your results. Please check the top right-hand corner of this page to see if you are logged in. If not, please log in and try reloading this page.

If you have not registered for an account on this site, your results will be kept private using a cookie. That means that you can only view results from the same computer where you took the test, and only until the cookie expires (from 1-7 days, depending on your browser settings). If you have not registered and you took the test more than 7 days ago, you will need to retake it to see results again (we recommend registering first so you don't lose your results this time!). 

If you just took the test and are getting this error, most likely, you have cookies disabled on your browser. Because we use cookies to track privacy for unregistered users, if you are not registered and do not allow cookies from the site, the site will not be able to identify you as the "owner" of the results and will not display them. Please either register or enable cookies and take the test again.

If none of the above applies to you

If you've read through the above and you're still not sure why you're seeing this page, please email us at for assistance.


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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
10,628 customer reviews


February 7, 2024 - 10:36pm
by Marie Claire
This was helpful to a point. I didn't appreciate that you had to pay to access even the most bare of results. I appreciated the extended information, but it was not thorough enought to warrant the cost, unfortunately.
January 23, 2024 - 10:28pm
by Rachel
I found my Enneagram report to be extremely on point, and it uncovered a tremendous amount of information about what motivates and drives me. It’s by far one of the most accurate assessments of my internal processes, and how I relate to the rest of the world. It does a really good job of explaining the method behind my madness. I also had my best friend take it, and it was so neat to see how, combining the information from both of them really did a thorough job of explaining our dynamic. I highly highly recommend this for everyone whether it’s for work personal use or relationships. This is definitely a tool that can help you better understand yourself and the way that you relate to the world .
January 21, 2024 - 8:48pm
by Jen
Love it, very insightful!
January 10, 2024 - 9:27pm
by Leah
Absolutely packed with incredibly engaging and useful personality details!
January 8, 2024 - 11:52am
by Krystal
I have taken this a few times now and it's very accurate. Even my blind spots - are so on-point. I didn't realize these at first, but after educating myself, teaching on the subject, and working with hundreds of professionals on their development, which also develops me continuously, I have found those areas to be of neglect and am more intent on the awareness and growth.
January 1, 2024 - 6:16am
by Jasmin
This information was very insightful. It helped me to understand myself, my motivations, and the way that I may come off to others. It was worth the money I spent on the in depth analysis.
December 30, 2023 - 12:03am
by May
I hate to say this but my Enneagram report is so true …

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