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If you have not registered for an account on this site, your results will be kept private using a cookie. That means that you can only view results from the same computer where you took the test, and only until the cookie expires (from 1-7 days, depending on your browser settings). If you have not registered and you took the test more than 7 days ago, you will need to retake it to see results again (we recommend registering first so you don't lose your results this time!). 

If you just took the test and are getting this error, most likely, you have cookies disabled on your browser. Because we use cookies to track privacy for unregistered users, if you are not registered and do not allow cookies from the site, the site will not be able to identify you as the "owner" of the results and will not display them. Please either register or enable cookies and take the test again.

If none of the above applies to you

If you've read through the above and you're still not sure why you're seeing this page, please email us at for assistance.


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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
10,628 customer reviews


September 23, 2023 - 5:28am
by Sally-Anne Pyper
I am finding the test result very helpful continually going back to it
September 20, 2023 - 1:03pm
by austin
thoughtful analysis of self and relevant growth areas to my current personal and professional journey.
September 14, 2023 - 8:04am
by Heather
While I typically don't believe in personality tests I was surprised by how accurate the Ennegram test and gave me insights that aligned with what I've heard from professionals. It was fun and insightful. I recommend for teams, individuals, and friends just wanting to get more about themselves and each other.
September 13, 2023 - 5:26pm
by Capucine
This is life changing. I've felt really lost for a while, trying new things, failing lots of things, never feeling satisfied. This report really articulated how I felt internally that I never shared with anyone, or a least not in a way that I can clearly explain. It has made me feel really empowered in what my next steps are. I'm working on being the best me I can, not what I think should be or like others. This report reminded me that while I may share my type with others, my experience is still uniquely my own.
September 1, 2023 - 11:47am
by Danette
I really enjoyed this process, even more so looking back 3 years later during a big transitional time in my life. It made so much more sense, in reading about the wings and arrows now, to find direction again. I’m already on the way in many respects, but finding that proof and further encouragement here, was affirmation, and almost like running smack into a hug of myself. I sighed and smiled as my shoulders dropped. “Oh, here I am!” and “there you are!” Much appreciation for the assessment, and very much worth the investment for this valuable tool.
August 21, 2023 - 6:00pm
by Julius
Thoroughly comprehensive and scarily accurate.
August 17, 2023 - 7:32pm
by kirsten
very accurate

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