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Customer Reviews

4.9 out of 5
10,628 customer reviews


October 28, 2023 - 11:03am
by Doug
Truity NAILED IT. I was skeptical but my job application required it. It took some minor soul searching to respond to some questions, but I found that if you overthink your answer, you're LESS likely to answer genuinely. My Enneagram Personality Test result was spot-on, and even more so as I thought its analysis through. This provided me with the insights I need to self-monitor areas that I wish to improve upon.

Conclusion: It's worth taking this test to better understand the reactions you have but don't understand why you have them like you do.
October 21, 2023 - 6:51pm
by Lindsay
The most accurate personality-type test results I've ever received. The report highlighted several areas of growth as well as in-depth explanations of each result.
October 21, 2023 - 2:20am
by Lynn
We used this tool as a group coaching discussion piece. It was so good I now wish to commit more resources to understanding the reports and frameworks better.
Thank you Truity!
October 11, 2023 - 5:35pm
by Tonya Chronister
My results honestly pointed out things that I see in myself and some that I don’t, but have had others tell me about. It was very eye opening and interesting, especially that it even talked about how I am because of my childhood. I would 100% recommend taking this quiz to anyone who is interested in learning more about themselves!
October 11, 2023 - 10:11am
by Michelle
Really interesting insights! I first did this test a few years back and along with a few other inventories.. learned a lot more about who I am, and the way I've made decisions thus far. No one test is 100% perfect but this has been a great compliment to other tools available. Recently suggested it to my partner too, and we've shared some funny moments - realizing why we ended up being such a great match and potentially where some misunderstandings often arise.
October 8, 2023 - 8:46pm
by Shannon
I’m incredibly grateful for my enneagram results. Not only have I used them to develop a deeper understanding of myself and my motivations, but I also refer to them regularly to guide me in my growth process. Trinity has provided me with a spot on analysis that has changed the trajectory of my being.
October 2, 2023 - 10:08am
by PJR
I felt that this was the most thorough, accurate personality test I have ever taken. I didn't notice a single description that I felt was wrong. I expect the areas of improvement suggested will be helpful in guiding me toward the personal growth I desire. Especially as a nine, I need the insight provided since I don't usually see it for myself.

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