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Customer Reviews

4.8 out of 5
2,449 customer reviews


April 18, 2024 - 9:50pm
by Rk
Really insightful report that highlights my skills and interests!
April 18, 2024 - 1:17am
by Nur A.
I have been feeling really stuck in my current career and have been wondering where to get started. I came across this and it has made me feel so much better, I feel that I have a better idea of where to start to begin planning this big change! The report also put things into perspective for me, highlighting things that I knew intuitively but didn't know how to put into words. This is such a useful resource.
April 17, 2024 - 6:04pm
by Mackenzie
I appreciate the insight and look forward to using this as a guide for job searching. However, I wish that it showed jobs that were effective for my second-highest interest area, not just the first. It would've been AWESOME if there could've been a list of career areas that tread along the first and second area, but I also understand that's likely a difficult thing to achieve. If you're completely lost on career advice, the profile purchase is a good idea. If you've got a decent understanding or have taken other tests before, it'll range whether the purchase profile goes deeper than what you've already got
April 16, 2024 - 1:39pm
by Jennifer Bryan
Very interesting!
April 16, 2024 - 1:11pm
by Pauline
Le rapport de carrière était très juste en ce qui me concerne, autant sur mes intérêts que sur les choix plus précis de carrières, avec en plus des précieux conseils pour aller plus loin. Je recommande !
April 15, 2024 - 8:20pm
by Jacob Philibert
Very insightful and helpful as I begin looking at college majors
April 15, 2024 - 10:14am
by Bill R
Interesting perspective and intuitive test. I appreciate the information and the way it is presented.

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