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Truity was founded in 2012 to bring you helpful information and assessments to help you understand yourself and use your strengths. We are based in San Francisco, CA.

4 Hot Careers for INTPs

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on May 03, 2011

INTPs are driven by a deep yearning to understand systems and what makes them work. They're analytical people who prize knowledge and love to come up with theories as to how systems can best operate. They are the masters of the Thought Experiment. While they seem to live very much in their minds, they get excited about innovation, devising theories about how things work, and testing their ideas. Hot careers for INTPs are those that put their talent for creative problem-solving to good use.

Teaching Careers Off the Beaten Path

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on April 28, 2011

According to the College Board, teaching careers will be some of the hottest careers for college graduates through 2018. Teachers of all kinds – elementary school, postsecondary school – will be in great demand throughout our current decade. There are also teaching careers off the beaten path which you might not have considered. If you're interested in being a teacher but you'd like to go about it in a different way, one of these careers might be just right for you.

Is Graduate School Right For You?

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on April 20, 2011

Whether you're a recent college graduate or you're considering the possibility of a career change, you might be wondering, is graduate school right for you? Graduate school isn't a path to choose lightly, without reflection. Earning a post-graduate degree, whether a Masters degree, Doctoral degree or a professional degree, requires tremendous commitments of time, energy and money, and you want to be sure you're putting these resources to the best possible use for your career path.

You've Graduated From College. Now What?

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on April 18, 2011

If you're a traditional college student, you've been in school for sixteen years straight. If you're a non-traditional student, you've been attending college for four years. In either case, earning your Bachelor's degree has been your goal. And you've graduated from college. Now what? Perhaps the degree will be your first step into the career of your dreams, or perhaps it's part of your ticket to graduate school. It might be the case, however, that you're not sure. You might have majored in something you loved and enjoyed but aren't sure how it translates into a career, or given today's tight job market, you're undecided as to which way you should go. Graduation is a milestone. You've earned your accolades. And now, it's time to prepare for change, in whatever form it takes.

4 Hot Careers for ESTPs

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on April 13, 2011

ESTPs are persuasive, action-oriented people who love nothing more than to get things done. They thrive on challenge and are able to handle stressful situations with aplomb. ETSPs are the quintessential “just the facts” personality type. They want to get the facts on a situation so that they can take action as quickly as possible to mitigate or improve it. They're logical, quick on their feet and nimble in their minds. Hot careers for ESTPs let these dynamic people show others what they can do.

4 Hot Careers for INFPs

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on April 11, 2011

INFPs are individualistic, creative thinkers who place high value on originality. They long to make a positive difference in the world, and as independent-spirited Healers, they want to do it on their terms. They focus on potential, possibility and on the good in people and situations. Hot careers for INFPs let these ethical and iconoclastic people use their considerable creative talents to bring out the best in themselves and others.

Personality Type and Office Politics: Introverts and Extraverts

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on April 04, 2011

Office politics is an umbrella term that encompasses many things. On one hand, it can refer to behavior whereby coworkers step on their colleagues in the interest of getting ahead at all costs. On the other hand, office politics at its best can describe a dynamic of cooperation, not competition. When colleagues vary in their personality types, understanding and empathy are the keys to cooperation, which enhances office productivity. Introverts and extraverts differ starkly in how they communicate and resolve disputes. Learning about personality typology can be a solid step toward promoting a greater sense of team spirit in an office environment.

4 Hot Careers for INFJs

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on March 31, 2011

As highly creative and intuitive individuals, INFJs excel both in artistic pursuits and in various helping professions. They're gentle-spirited people who, while they might seem mysterious until you get to know them, are warm, idealistic, and have a strong sense of responsibility toward other people. They tend to enjoy working with people one-on-one instead of in groups. Hot careers for INFJs are those that give Counselors plenty of opportunities to express their creativity and compassion.

Personality Types and Office Politics: Judgers and Perceivers

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on March 28, 2011

Judgers and Perceivers differ significantly in how they make decisions and approach their lives. Where Judgers prefer structure and routine, Perceivers thrive on spontaneity and possibilities. These differences in style can cause clashes in the workplace. Office politics often gets a bad rap for amounting to nothing more than a collection of cut-throat behaviors, whereby some people try to advance themselves at the expense of others. It needn't be that way, however. Office politics can be conceived as a system in which people work together to accomplish goals, and understanding personality typology as it applies to Judgers and Perceivers constitutes a great start.

4 Hot Careers for ESFPs

Clinically Reviewed by Steven Melendy, PsyD. on March 23, 2011

As spontaneous individuals who live for the present moment, ESFPs yearn to connect with people and make positive differences in their lives. They love having fun, being in the spotlight and making others laugh. ESFPs chafe at regimented schedules and thrive on spontaneity. Hot careers for ESFPs are those that allow these free-spirited, gregarious people opportunities to see, moment by moment, tangible results of their heartfelt efforts to help people.


Myers-Briggs® and MBTI® are registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc., which has no affiliation with this site. Truity offers a free personality test based on Myers and Briggs' types, but does not offer the official MBTI® assessment. For more information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, please go here.

The Five Love Languages® is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with this site. You can find more information about the five love languages here.

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